Master Advisor Cao ZhiTing


Cao Zhiting, distinguished associate researcher, master's supervisor of China Pharmaceutical University from 2020, graduated from the College of Polymer Science and Engineering of Sichuan University in 2013 with a bachelor's degree. From 2013 to 2018, she received her Ph.D. degree at the University of Science and Technology of China. From 2018 to 2020, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the South China University of Technology. Her research interests including biomedical engineering and bioinspired delivery system for protein, DNA and mRNA.


1. National Natural Science Foundation of China

2. Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province

3. Advanced Talents Research Funds of China Pharmaceutical University

4. Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province


1. Xin Huang#, Ke Ren#, Zhiyong Chang, Youqing Ye, Dechun Huang, Wei Zhao, Lixin Yang, Yuqin Dong, Zhiting Cao*, Haishi Qiao*. Glucose Oxidase and L-Arginine Functionalized Black Phosphorus Nanosheets for Multimodal Targeted Therapy of Glioblastoma. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021(Accepted). (IF = 13.273)

2. Zhi-Ting Cao, Li-Qin Gan, Wei Jiang, Ji-Long Wang, Hou-Bing Zhang, Yue Zhang, Yucai Wang, Xianzhu Yang, Menghua Xiong*, Jun Wang*. Protein Binding Affinity of Polymeric Nanoparticles as a Direct Indicator of Their Pharmacokinetics. ACS Nano, 2020, 143563-3575. (IF = 15.881)

3. Zhi-Ting Cao#, Zhi-Yao Chen#, Chun-Yang Sun, Hong-Jun Li, Hong-Xia Wang, Qin-Qin Cheng, Zu-Qi Zuo, Ji-Long Wang, Yang-Zhong Liu, Yu-Cai Wang*, Jun Wang*, Overcoming tumor resistance to cisplatin by cationic lipid-assisted prodrug nanoparticles. Biomaterials, 2016, 94: 9-19. (IF = 12.479)

4.Yang Liu#, Zhi-Ting Cao#, Cong-Fei Xu*, Zi-Dong Lu, Ying-Li Luo, Jun Wang*, Optimization of lipid-assisted nanoparticle for disturbing neutrophils-related inflammation. Biomaterials, 2018, 172: 92-104. (IF = 12.479)

5.Yang Chen, Jia-Xian Lia, Na Shu, Sui-Juan Zheng, Min Ma, Zhi-Bin Zhao, Zhi-Ting Cao*, Qi Zhou*, Jin-Zhi Du*, Jun Wang. Polymeric nanoformulation improves the bioavailability and efficacy of sorafenib for hepatocellular carcinoma therapy. Biomaterials Science, 2021, 9: 2508-2518. (IF = 6.843)